ILLEGAL dumping of household and other rubbish on our roadsides is costing Ratepayers tens of thousands of dollars per year to clean up.
Illegal dumping has become a serious issue for councils, DEECA and the EPA in recent years.
A recent report of illegal dumping in the Woodside area prompted this response from a spokesperson at Wellington Shire
“Council has investigated reports of illegally dumped rubbish on Stringy Bark Lane in Woodside. Unfortunately, there was no evidence in the waste to identify those responsible. The matter has now been handed over to Council’s roads crew for removal,” they said.
“Fines for illegal dumping in Wellington Shire range from $395 to $3,950, or higher for hazardous waste. Residents can report dumped rubbish on roadsides directly to Council. Large-scale industrial waste should be reported to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), while waste in state forests can be reported to the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA).”
They reiterated that seriousness of Illegal dumping and the coat to ratepayers.
“It is costing ratepayers tens of thousands of dollars each year and diverting staff from important road maintenance work. This year, the cost of removing dumped rubbish from roadsides is estimated to be between $20,000 and $30,000,” they said.
Council urges the community to dispose of waste responsibly and report offenders to help keep our Shire clean.